How to calculate your menstrual cycle ?
For a woman, it is useful to understand and know how to calculate her cycle. Menstruation is essential and reproduction depends on them, discovering all their mysteries opens many possibilities. The cycle is also the source of many hormonal disturbances, more or less intense and uncomfortable.
Knowing how to recognize and anticipate them, but also how to fade them or detect anomalies, is just as important in a woman’s life.
What is the menstrual cycle ?
Commonly known as “menstruation”, the scientific term “menstruation” is used to refer to a periodmenstruationThe “blood loss” defines the monthly loss of blood, at the female genital level. This bleeding continues for a short week, marking the end of the cycle, which lasts about 28 days, and can vary by a few days from one woman to another. It is then possible to observe long cycles, superior to 35 days, or on the contrary short cycles, inferior to 21 days.
This bloody discharge is in fact the evacuation of the uterine mucosa. This one constitutes the interior surface of the’The uterus is the most important part of the body and can accommodate a possible fertilized egg. Each month, in the absence of fertilization, this envelope breaks up, is evacuated and then reconstituted.
It is this entire phase of uterine preparation that constitutes the menstrual cycle.
The arrival of this natural and feminine mechanism of reproduction, takes place at the time of puberty, between 11 and 13 years old. This is an average, some girls have an early onset of menstruation while others have a late onset’The opposite will be menstruated late.
Understanding the different stages of the menstrual cycle
Let’s try to understand, scientifically, what happens in the body during its own menstrual rhythm.
The cycle begins with a period known as “pre-ovulatory”, which means that the body is preparing for possible fertilization. To do this, the endometrium (uterine lining) is removed’The CBD oil thickens with estrogen and at the same time, one (or more) follicle(s) develop(s) in the ovary.
Then comes ovulation, corresponding to the extraction of the oocyte (the embryo’s basic cell) by the ovary.
Then begins a post-ovulatory period, during which the production of progesterone is reduced’You need to know how to increase your period in order to preserve your body’s natural balance’endometrium. Oscillating between 10 and 20 days (14 on average), depending on the total length of the cycle, this is the most favourable time for fertilization, even if this is in fact possible at all times.
There are two possibilities at the end of this phase:
- Non-fertilization: this will lead to a drastic drop in hormone levels and trigger menstruation.
- Fertilization: release of the HCG hormone. Symbol of pregnancy, it contributes to the preservation of the uterine mucous membrane, an indispensable protective envelope for the embryo for the next nine months. In fact, fertilization induces the absence of future periods, since the’endometrium lasts, now useful during the entire intrauterine life of the fetus.
Symptoms of the menstrual cycle
All these hormonal upheavals are not without consequences. If some women are lucky enough to suffer very few inconveniences, others on the other hand suffer from multiple symptoms related to the menstrual cycle. Here is a sample of the most common ones, obviously the list is not exhaustive and each woman can face her own anatomical particularities.
- Mood disorders
- Nausea and vomiting
- Pelvic and back pain
- Weight gain
- Development of acne
How to calculate your cycle
Now that you know everything about menstruation in general, it’s time to look at your personal case.
Calculating your cycle allows you to better understand your body, its variations and symptoms. This allows you to anticipate the arrival of menstruation, the discomfort and the organization that this requires.
Of course, identifying the different phases of the cycle also allows you to optimize your chances of fertilization. Even if some women use this calculation to limit the risk of pregnancy, it is extremely hazardous and risky, the use of a contraceptive remains the best solution.
The cycle calculation is based on the central ovulation period. Its knowledge induces the logical determination of the pre- and post-ovulation phase, thus reconstituting the whole menstrual period.
Regular cycle
Women with a regular cycle will have no trouble calculating it.
After observing the cycle period (between two periods), divide it by two. From this date, deduct 4 days to obtain the 1st day of the ovulation period. Start from the initial date and add 4 days, corresponding to the end of ovulation.
Example for a 28-day cycle:
- 28/2 = 14
- Subtract 4 days = 14 – 4 = ovulation starts on day 10 of the cycle.
- Add 4 days = 14 + 4 = end of ovulation around the 18th day.
By this simple calculation, it is thus easy to understand that from the 1st to the 10th day is the pre-ovulatory phase, and from the 18th to the 28th day the post-ovulatory period.
Irregular cycles
When the organization of the cycles is anarchic, it becomes difficult to determine precisely the different phases. In this case, it is the observation of the symptoms, and more particularly the variation in temperature, which provides information on the progress of the cycle. This is what is scientifically called symptothermia.
Generally, a slight drop in body temperature is a sign that the woman is in the process of becoming pregnant’operates in pre-ovulation, while’It increases significantly during the menstrual cycle’ovulation. A return to normal weight indicates that you are gaining weight’entry in post-ovulation, before a new cycle start.
A daily temperature reading is necessary in order to establish a curve, necessary to determine the phases of the menstrual cycle.
In order to be revealing and reliable, these calculations must continue for several months. Similar long-term results will lead to a good global knowledge of the menstrual cycle.
Today, women benefit from many tools, making it easier to determine the cycle. This is the case of the menstrual calendar, but also of smartphone applications, in which you just have to enter different data for a regular follow-up. Ovulation tests, available in pharmacies, also make it easier to determine the periods. In short, you have no more excuses, calculate your cycle, live and fully control your life as a woman, with its advantages and disadvantages !
How to calculate the period of time’ovulation ?
For a woman, the menstrual cycle is something that is important to master for several reasons. One of the main reasons is that it is easier to control the occurrence of possible pregnancies when you know your ovulation period precisely. You will be able to avoid unwanted pregnancies and their consequences on your life, without having to resort to abortions.
The first thing to know to calculate the ovulation period is that the menstrual cycle can be regular or irregular. You should therefore start by asking yourself what kind of cycle you have. If it is regular, then the calculation will be very easy.
Note that a regular cycle is a cycle that always has the same duration: 28 days, 30 days, 35 days or even more.
In other words, when the cycle is regular, it means that there is the same number of days between the beginning and the end of your menstrual period each time. In these conditions, to find your ovulation period, you will have to consider the fact that the post ovulatory period is always 14 days. You will then have to make some simple calculations.
If the length of your cycle is, for example, 30 days, then you will have to do 30 – 14 = 16. The day of your ovulation is the 16th day of your cycle. To count, you start from the first day of. When you get to day 16, you take two days off and add two days on for a margin.
Your ovulation period will be between the 14th and the 18th day of your cycle.
For women who have an irregular cycle, the calculation is a little more complicated. Nevertheless, you can consult the website www.calculate-ovulation.en to better understand the steps to follow.
Now you know enough to easily calculate your ovulation period. So if you don’t use a contraceptive method, don’t forget to count the days.