CBD hemp legislation: an update

CBD hemp legislation: we make the point

You have certainly heard of CBD and hemp, but you don't really know what the relationship is between these two elements or what the legislation is on the matter. These are concepts that most of us are not yet familiar with’These are concepts that most of us do not know very well yet. Let's review in this article.

The essential points to remember about hemp

Hemp is a plant more commonly known under the scientific name of "cannabis". It comes in several variants, including Indian hemp. C’is a plant that has a high level of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), a substance that provides psychotropic effects. There is also industrial hemp whose fibers and seeds are used in the cosmetic and textile industries.

We s’also serves in the’animal feed. Note that’it is not’it is by no means forbidden to cultivate industrial hemp. And for good reason, the plant itself does not have a strong taste’a nothing of’illegal.

It is necessary to’elsewhere, industrial hemp is the main ingredient of legal CBD, also known as cannabidiol, which has a THC level of less than 0.2%.

Essential points to remember about CBD

The term CBD is the’abbreviation of "cannabidiol" which is the’one of the components of hemp. The CBD is today’now used to elaborate many wellness products. If you are looking for a natural product to help you relax and unwind, don't hesitate to contact us’Do not hesitate to contact Olmavita to find out more about this method CBD products in Belgium.

The different methods of use’CBD extraction

There are 3 methods of’possible extraction to obtain the CBD oil’CBD oil.

L’CO2 extraction

L’CO2 extraction or Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) is also used to obtain the desired results’to obtain’CBD oil. C’It is an edible oil’This is the most efficient technique, as it allows to extract the hemp plant’Obtain a quality CBD oil with no residue. L’CO2 extraction involves 3 compounds: CO2, an odorless gas and a colorless gas.

The CO2 is exposed to low temperatures and high pressure to transform it into a liquid. This liquid CO2 has the ability to dissolve certain plant materials. The plant of hemp The oil is then exposed to this CO2 at the end of the process’liquid state, which results in a release of the cannabis actives into the solvent. The mixture is then passed into a space where the temperature and pressure are controlled to allow the separation of terpenes and cannabinoids.

Then the CO2 is converted back into a gaseous state.

CBD-based products

L’liquid solvent extraction

This method uses solvents, such as alcohol, to extract CBD’ethanol, butane, propane, methanol, etc’isopropyl and’alcohol. It is intended to be fast to achieve, in addition to the use of CO2’be relatively affordable. However, this’is an method of’extraction The process is dangerous, since’it uses highly flammable solvents.

The process is as follows:

  • the flowers and other parts of the industrial hemp plant are put in a container
  • then, the chosen solvent is poured on it to extract the’CBD oil
  • CBD is recovered by evaporation to obtain CO2’CBD oil concentrate

Please note that this method requires special care during the extraction phase’evaporation. Indeed, if the solvent residues are not completely removed, they can be toxic.

L’extraction with’edible oil

Edible oils can also be used to extract CBD. C’is notably the case of the’sesame oil and alcohol’CBD oil’olive. It is’acts as a catalyst’a process that dates back centuries.

It allows to’obtain a CBD extract without residue, unlike the method of’liquid solvent extraction. C’is a’This is a simple and inexpensive method which ensures good results.

The process begins by heating the elements of the hemp plant. C’is a technique that is used to extract CBD from hemp plants’we call decarboxylation. Its purpose is to’activate the chemical substances present in the plant. Afterwards, we add the’vegetable oil and the mixture is reheated.

During the process, the’The edible oil plant used does not have a long shelf life’does not evaporate, so that l’extracted oil n’It is not as concentrated as that obtained by other methods.

In addition to this issue of concentration, which can be offset by the doses used, it should be noted that’CBD oil extracted with liquid solvents’edible oil is easily perishable. To preserve it, it must be kept in a dark and cool place.

How to obtain the’CBD oil from olive oil’extraction methods ?

Before becoming the’CBD oil used in the manufacture of derivative products, the’The oil is obtained from the water’extraction undergoes another process that the’It is called "winterization". The purpose of this process is to refine it. Indeed, the’s purpose is to rid the plant of its toxicity’It allows the extraction of oil from solvents, chlorophyll, waxes, as well as other substances’other lipids. After this step, we must obtain a clean CBD oil which contains 70 to 90% CBD, cannabinoids and terpenes.

It is also possible to produce different types of CBD’CBD oils from the extraction of CO2’extraction from the hemp plant :

  • Full spectrum CBD which contains all the cannabinoids, terpenes and amino acids, as well as traces of THC
  • Broad-spectrum CBD, which contains all the other components of full-spectrum CBD, except for traces of THC (broad-spectrum CBD contains no THC)’gets from’another additional process)
  • L’CBD isolate which contains 99% CBD. To get the’CBD isolate, the’extracted and purified in the form of’crystalline isolate. L’CBD isolate is a white powder with no taste

CBD oil

CBD and hemp: that's what we call a "natural beer"’in terms of legislation ?

The legislation concerning cannabis is still relatively unclear in Belgium. In this country, the holding and the cannabis culture It is a punishable offence to brew a beer that is. In practice, if you are over 18 years old and you use cannabis for personal use, you do not need to buy a beer’You will not be prosecuted, except if you are a member of a professional association’it s’acts of’a detention with disorder at the’The brewing: the malt flour is mixed with water, then heated.

As far as CBD is concerned, the European directive allows the sale of’CBD oil on the’The CBD oil must be used throughout Europe (including Belgium). It is the same for the other derivative products. A condition s’However, it is a must: the’CBD oil must contain less than 0.2% THC.

It must also be tested and approved by the authorities’It must also be tested and approved’analysis in an independent laboratory before it is put on the market.